Top Meal Kit Services – Can You Still Lose Weight?

Eating healthy is pivotal to a healthy lifestyle. Blah blah blah! Who really has time for all the meal prep that eating healthy inquires? If you would prefer to be living a balanced life instead of slaving over a stove then home-delivery […]

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Top Vitamix Blenders Review – Find the Right Vitamix for Your Lifestyle

If you landed on this post, you’re most likely looking at buying a new blender. Maybe you’ve heard about Vitamix blenders or owned one in the past. Deciding on which Vitamix blender to buy is sorta like deciding which child or pet […]

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Top 6 Popular Intermittent Fasting Methods

      For thousands of years, the ancient practice of fasting extends across many cultures and religions around the world. How it Works: One of the most popular styles of fasting, Intermittent fasting Is an umbrella term that includes a variety […]

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Eat Stop Eat Review – A Twist on Intermittent Fasting

  Over the past few years, Intermittent Fasting (I.F.) has been growing in popularity. Personally, I’ve been practicing I.F. for just a few months with some encouraging success. I fell in love with the ease and flexibility of the plan. Actually, its […]

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How to Stop Cheating…with Food

If there was a magic pill to stop cheating (with food, of course), I would be a billionaire. There are no quick fixes, elixirs or magic potions. Stopping anything require will power. However, there are a few tricks to employ to help […]

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Best Foods for Weight Loss

Best Foods for Weight Loss If trying to lose weight your way. You need to know the best foods for weight loss. Not all calories are the same. Certain foods metabolize differently in our bodies while others fight a plethora of ailments. […]

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Skip it! – Avoid These Foods to Lose Weight

When you’re trying to lose weight your way, knowing what to eat and what not eat is very important. Cutting calories and exercising are half the battle. Stocking your kitchen with the right foods, foods that will not sabotage your effort, will […]

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Popular Diet Plans That Work – Pros & Cons

Overview There are many popular diet plans circulating around the world. Out of the $4.2 Trillion dollar Wellness industry, $20 billion comes directly from the U.S. weight-loss industry which includes diet books, diet drugs and weight-loss surgeries. Its no surprise that the […]

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Lose Weight Your Way

Diets, diets… and more diets. Over the last two decades, we have become inundated and overwhelmed with all the latest fads. Perpetuated by the media, fabulous bodies, wealth and good looks pumped through our televisions and devices 24/7. These obsessions have forced […]

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